Article 1.
The name of the Society is the "Pacific Coast Amateur Hockey Association", hereinafter referred to as "The Society".

Article 2.
The purposes of the Society are:
(a) To encourage and foster amongst its members sportsmanship and good fellowship; to maintain and increase an interest in amateur hockey; to have and exercise a general care, supervision and direction of all Associations and Leagues who are members of this Association; and to assist all others interested in amateur hockey.
(b) To coordinate member Associations and Leagues to maintain harmony and justice.
(c) To assist member Associations and Leagues to obtain the necessary facilities and equipment.
(d) To assist member Associations and Leagues to obtain necessary finances.
(e) To assist member Associations and Leagues to organize league competitions.
(f) To provide guidance and formulate an effective hockey program.

Article 3.
As an unalterable provision of this Constitution, this Society shall be affiliated with the British Columbia Amateur Hockey Association and shall observe all laws, rules, and regulations by which that Society is governed.



To promote Minor Hockey in partnership with its member Associations and Leagues, stressing sportsmanship, fair competition, development, and safety for hockey players of all skill levels.





By-Law 1.
(1) In these By-Laws, unless the context otherwise requires,
(a) "directors" means the members of the Executive Committee of the Society for the time being;
(b) "Society Act" means the Society Act of the Province of British Columbia from time to time in force and all amendments to it;
(c) "registered address" of a member means the address of that member as recorded in the register of members;
(d) The terms "the Society" and "the PCAHA" are equivalent;
(e) "BCAHA" refers to the British Columbia Amateur Hockey Association;
(f) "CHA" refers to the Canadian Hockey Association.

(2) The definitions in the Society Act on the date these By-Laws become effective apply to these By-Laws.

By-Law 2.
Words importing the singular include the plural and vice-versa; and words importing a male person include a female person and a corporation.

By-Law 3.
In these By-Laws, wherever submission of a notice, declaration, or other formal communication is required, such notice, declaration, or communication may be transmitted by facsimile machine.


By-Law 4.
(1) The members of the Society are those who were members of the Society at the time of incorporation of the Society (October 10, 1975) as well as those who subsequently become members in accordance with these By-Laws, and, in either case, have not ceased to be members.

(2) The Society's membership shall be composed of
(a) amateur hockey Leagues,
(b) Minor Hockey Associations,
(c) individual amateur teams above Minor operating within the BCAHA district known as the Lower Mainland District, which are not affiliated with a Minor Hockey Association
(d) CHA registered minor hockey teams which are affiliated with a Minor Hockey Association,
(e) PCAHA registered minor hockey teams which are affiliated with a Minor Hockey Association,
(f) the persons currently serving as directors of the Society.

(3) The four (4) most senior CHA and PCAHA registered teams affiliated with a Minor Hockey Association shall be voting members of the Society and all other CHA and PCAHA registered teams affiliated with a Minor Hockey Association shall be non-voting members of the Society.

(4) The voting delegates for CHA and PCAHA registered teams affiliated with a Minor Hockey Association shall be appointed by the Minor Hockey Association with which they are affiliated.

By-Law 5.
(1) Leagues, Associations, and individual teams above Minor may apply to the Executive Committee through the PCAHA Executive Director for membership in the Society. The Executive Committee shall review any such application received, and only if it conforms to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society shall present the application to the Annual General Meeting or an extraordinary general meeting of the Society for acceptance or rejection. Upon acceptance by the general meeting, the applicant shall become a member of the Society.

(2) Applicants for membership, as referred to in By-Law 5(1), shall include a list of directors/officers of the group applying. A copy of the applicant's constitution and by-laws or rules and regulations shall also be attached to the application for membership.

(3) Where the information requested in By-Law 5(2) is non-existent, the name, objectives, and a list of possible teams participating in the Society shall be submitted.

(4) Leagues, Associations, and individual teams above Minor shall, not later than six months following acceptance of membership in the Society, incorporate under the Society Act, and shall maintain good standing under the Act.

By-Law 6.
Minor hockey teams which are affiliated with a Minor Hockey Association shall be composed only of players and team officials who are duly registered by the Minor Hockey Association in accordance with the rules and regulations of the PCAHA, BCAHA, and CHA. Membership for such teams shall commence upon acceptance of the team’s registration by the PCAHA Executive Director and shall expire as of the following August 31st or at the conclusion of the next PCAHA Semi-Annual general meeting, whichever date is later.

By-Law 7.
Membership in the Society shall be contingent on the applicant Association, League, or team receiving approval from the British Columbia Amateur Hockey Association.

By-Law 8.
Member Associations, Leagues, or individual teams shall be divided into the following categories:
(1) Senior "AAA"/"AA"
(2) Recreational
(3) Junior "A"
(4) Junior "B"
(5) Female
(6) Minor "A"
(7) Minor "B"
(8) Minor "C"

By-Law 9.
Every member shall uphold the Constitution, comply with these By-Laws and any other rules or regulations of the Society.

By-Law 10.
Membership in the Society for Leagues, Associations, and individual teams above Minor shall cease where,
(a) the member delivers a resignation, in writing, to the PCAHA Executive Director or by mailing or delivering it to the address of the Society, or
(b) the member is expelled, or
(c) the member has not been in good standing for 12 consecutive months.

By-Law 11.
(1) A member may be suspended or expelled for willful violation of the Constitution or By-Laws or for any other serious breach of rules or regulations.

(2) Where a member is suspended or expelled, the member shall forfeit all rights and privileges in organized hockey in British Columbia until such time as the said member Association, League, or team is reinstated as a member in good standing.

By-Law 12.
(1) A member may be expelled by a special resolution of the members passed at a general meeting.

(2) A notice of special resolution for expulsion shall be accompanied by a brief statement of the reason or reasons for the proposed expulsion.

(3) The member who is the subject of the proposed resolution for expulsion shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the general meeting before the special resolution is put to a vote.

By-Law 13.
All members are in good standing except a member who has failed to pay the current annual membership fee or any other subscription or debt due and owing to the Society, and the member is not in good standing so long as the debt remains unpaid; or a member who is under suspension is not in good standing until the period of the suspension has been served.

By-Law 14.
Each member Minor Hockey Association shall elect or appoint the following officials, and shall advise the PCAHA Executive Director of their names, addresses, and telephone numbers by not later than August 1st each year:
(a) President
(b) Registrar
(c) Referee-in-Chief (Head Referee)
(d) Coaching Coordinator (Head Coach)
(e) Risk Manager
(f) Ice Scheduler
Such Association officials shall attend PCAHA meetings called for their particular area of responsibility or be responsible for sending a delegate.

By-Law 15. Life Membership:
Life Membership may be bestowed upon any person, for distinguished service to the Society and its members over a period of at least ten years. Nominations for Life Membership must be made by an Officer, Executive Committee member, member Association, or League and may be approved at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. Such nominations shall be submitted in writing to the registered office of the Society at least four weeks in advance of the Annual Meeting. Life members shall have full voting privileges at all general meetings.

By-Law 16. Honourary President:
The Executive Committee may at its discretion, bestow the title of Honourary President upon any suitable candidate for a period of one year. The Honourary President shall not have voting privileges. The Honourary President shall act in an advisory capacity to the Society and shall perform such duties as the President may assign.


By-Law 17.
A general meeting of the Society shall be held at such time and place, in accordance with the Society Act, as the directors decide.

By-Law 18.
Every general meeting, other than an Annual General Meeting, is an extraordinary general meeting.

By-Law 19.
The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the third Sunday in June each year.

By-Law 20.
(1) Notice of a general meeting shall specify the place, the day, and the hour of meeting, and, in case of special business, the general nature of that business.

(2) The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non-receipt of a notice by any of the members entitled to receive notice does not invalidate proceedings at that meeting.

By-Law 21.
The Society shall not give less than fourteen days' written notice of a general meeting of the Society to the members entitled to receive notice of a general meeting, but those members may waive or reduce the period of notice for a particular meeting by unanimous consent, in writing.

By-Law 22.
(1) The Executive Committee shall, upon written requisition of 10% or more of the members of the Society, herein called "requisitionists", forthwith convene a general meeting of the Society.

(2) The requisition shall,
(a) state the purpose of the general meeting
(b) be signed by the requisitionists, and
(c) be delivered or sent by registered mail to the address of the Society, and may consist of several documents in like form each signed by one or more requisitionists.

(3) The President or a member of the Executive Committee acting in his or her stead, shall call a general meeting within twenty-one days after the delivery of the requisition.

(4) Failure of the President to convene a general meeting within twenty-one days after the delivery of the requisition may result in the requisitionists, or a majority of them, convening a general meeting to be held within four months after the date of the delivery of the requisition.

(5) A general meeting convened by the requisitionists, shall be convened in the same manner, as nearly as possible, as general meetings are convened by the directors.


By-Law 23.
At any Annual General Meeting, the following shall be the order of business:
(a) Roll call
(b) Adoption of minutes as circulated
(c) Annual reports
(d) Financial report
(e) Appointment of the auditor
(f) Old business
(g) Amendments to Constitution/By-Laws
(h) Election of officers and directors
(i) Correspondence
(j) New Business
(k) Adjournment

By-Law 24.
Business at an extraordinary general meeting of the Society shall be considered to be all business transacted at the Annual General Meeting, except,
(i) the consideration of the financial statements,
(ii) appointment of the auditor,
(iii) election of officers and directors,
(iv) other business, as under these By-Laws ought to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting.

By-Law 25.
(1) Unless a quorum is present at a general meeting, no business other than the adjournment or termination of the meeting shall be conducted.

(2) If during a general meeting there ceases to be a quorum present, business in progress shall be suspended until a quorum is again present or until the meeting is adjourned or terminated.

(3) For the purpose of these By-Laws, a quorum at an annual or extraordinary general meeting shall be considered to be present when at least 10 qualified delegates representing members in good standing, or delegates representing at least 25% of the total possible number of votes exercisable by members in good standing (as determined according to By-Law 30), whichever number is greater, is present. Executive Committee members and Life Members shall not be included when determining if a quorum is present.

By-Law 26.
In the event that sufficient delegates representing members in good standing are not present at a general meeting within one-half hour from the time appointed for the meeting, or where the meeting is adjourned under By-Law 25(2), the meeting shall stand adjourned for two weeks and shall then be held at the same time and in the same place whether or not a quorum is present.

By-Law 27.
The President of the Society shall preside as chairperson of all general meetings of the Society. In the President's absence, the 1st Vice-President shall preside; in the absence of both, the 2nd Vice-President shall preside; or in the absence of all three, the 3rd Vice-President shall preside.

By-Law 28.
Any meeting of the Society, Officers, or of the Executive Committee may be adjourned to any time, and from time to time such business may be transacted at such adjourned meeting as might have been transacted at the original meeting from which such adjournment took place.

By-Law 29.
At all meetings of members of the Society, voting shall be decided by a show of hands unless the meeting decides on a ballot.

By-Law 30.
Each voting member team, League, or Association that has been duly organized and affiliated for the season immediately following and also was in active competition and in good standing during the year preceding the Annual General Meeting or general meeting may be represented by delegates and shall be entitled to carry votes as follows:
l Each amateur hockey League 1 vote
l Each individual team above Minor referred to in By-Law 4(2)(c) 0 vote
l Minor Hockey Association 1 vote
l Voting CHA team member 1 vote
l Voting PCAHA team member 1 vote

By-Law 31.
Each member of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to one vote at general meetings, with the exception of the three BCAHA District Directors, the three BCAHA Referees Committee Members, the Canadian Hockey Safety Program Coordinator, and the PCAHA Executive Director, all of whom shall act in an advisory capacity but shall not have voting privileges.

By-Law 32.
A maximum of two votes may be carried by a delegate.

By-Law 33.
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the proceedings of all meetings within this Society, except where they are at difference with the Constitution and By-Laws, in which case the Constitution and By-Laws shall have precedence.

By-Law 34.
In case of an equality of votes, the chairperson shall not have a casting or second vote in addition to the vote to which he or she may be entitled as a member of the Executive Committee, and the proposed resolution shall not pass.


By-Law 35.
Subject to the provisions of the Society Act and the Constitution and By-Laws of this Society, the directors shall be responsible for managing and/or supervising the management of the affairs of the Society and may exercise any and all of the powers of the Society.

By-Law 36.
(1) Executive Committee members shall be subject to:
(a) all laws affecting the Society,
(b) these By-Laws, and
(c) Rules and Regulations, not being inconsistent with these By-Laws, which are made from time to time by the Society in a general meeting.

(2) No member of the Executive Committee or any person appointed by an Executive Committee member may grant any authorization, approval or exemption which is contrary to the Constitution, these By-Laws, or the Rules and Regulations. Any such authorization, approval or exemption granted, whether deliberate or through an oversight, shall be null and void and may not be used as a justification for not complying with the Constitution, By-Laws, or the Rules and Regulations.

By-Law 37.
No rule, made by the Society in a general meeting, invalidates a prior act of the directors that would have been valid if that rule had not been made.

By-Law 38.
The Officers of the Society shall be:
(a) the President
(b) the 1st Vice-President
(c) the 2nd Vice-President
(d) the 3rd Vice-President
(e) the Immediate Past President
(f) the PCAHA Executive Director (non-voting).

By-Law 39.
The Executive Committee of the Society shall consist of the following:
(a) the Officers of the Society.
(b) thirteen (13) Managing Directors.
(c) the president of the Senior AAA/AA league (if any).
(d) the president of the Junior "A" league.
(e) the president of the Junior "B" league.
(f) a representative of the Recreational league(s) (if any).
(g) Referee Assigning Coordinator.
(h) the Coaching Coordinator.
(i) the three BCAHA District Directors for the Lower Mainland (non-voting).
(j) the three BCAHA Referees Committee Members for the Lower Mainland (non-voting).
(k) the Canadian Hockey Safety Program Coordinator (non-voting).

By-Law 40.
(1) The elected offices of the Society shall be:
(a) the President
(b) the 1st Vice-President
(c) the 2nd Vice-President
(d) the 3rd Vice-President
(e) six (6) Managing Directors
They shall retire from office at each Annual Meeting when their successors shall be elected.

(2) Separate elections shall be held for each office to be filled.

(3) The Nominating Committee, to consist of the Past President, who shall be chairperson, and three other persons appointed by the President, shall prepare a slate of candidates for submission to the Annual General Meeting.

(4) Nominations for vacant offices will be accepted from the floor at the Annual General Meeting in addition to the slate of candidates submitted by the Nominating Committee.

(5) An election may be made by acclamation, otherwise it shall be by ballot.

(6) In the event that three or more persons are nominated for any position with the Society, then the successful candidate shall be required to poll more than 50% of the total votes cast. If necessary, this will be established by elimination voting whereby the nominee receiving the least votes shall be successively dropped until a nominee has the required votes.

(7) If no successor is elected, the person previously elected or appointed continues to hold office.

(8) The holder of an office may run again for subsequent terms of office.

By-Law 41.
The appointed offices of the Society are as follows:

(1) (a) Six (6) Managing Directors shall be the chairpersons of the five historically established "C" leagues (Fraser Valley East, Fraser Valley North, Fraser Valley West (2 Managing Directors), Lions Gate League, and Presidents League), as elected by the respective Minor "C" league committees prior to the Annual General Meeting, subject to ratification at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) Their term of office shall be from the date of ratification until the following Annual General Meeting. A nominee must meet the conditions set out in PCAHA By-Law 45.
(c) The current "C" Managing Director shall provide a 14-day notice of election to the league members. Such notice may be by facsimile transmission or letter.
(d) An election may be held during the regular "C" league meeting or a special meeting called by the current "C" Managing Director to conduct such an election. Nominations from the floor shall be accepted.
(e) The current "C" Managing Director, if seeking re-election, shall appoint a meeting chairperson to supervise the election.
(f) Such elections shall be subject to the rules as set out in PCAHA By-Law 40(5), (6), (7), and (8).

(2) (a) One (1) Managing Director shall be elected by the Female Hockey Committee prior to the Annual General Meeting, subject to ratification by the Executive Committee at the Annual General Meeting. He or she shall be known as the Managing Director, Female Hockey.
(b) The term of office for the Managing Director, Female Hockey, shall be from the date of ratification by the Executive Committee until the next following Annual General Meeting. A nominee must meet the conditions set out in PCAHA By-Law 45.
(c) The current Managing Director shall provide a 14-day notice of election to the PCAHA’s Female Hockey member Associations and Leagues. Such notice may be by facsimile transmission or letter.
(d) The election may be held during a regular Female Hockey Committee meeting or at a special Female Hockey Committee meeting called to conduct the election. Nominations from the floor shall be accepted.
(e) The current Managing Director, if seeking re-election, shall appoint a meeting chairperson to supervise the election.
(f) The election shall be subject to the rules as set out in PCAHA By-Law 40(5), (6), (7), and (8).

(3) The PCAHA Executive Director shall be appointed at the pleasure of the Executive Committee.

(4) The Referee Assigning Coordinator shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting by the Executive Committee. He or she shall be invited to attend all meetings of the Society.

(5) The Coaching Coordinator shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting by the Executive Committee. He or she will be invited to attend all meetings of the Society.

(6) The Canadian Hockey Safety Program Coordinator shall be one (1) of the two (2) BCAHA Canadian Hockey Safety Program Coordinators for the Lower Mainland (non-voting), as appointed by the President following the Annual General Meeting.

(7) (a) The Executive Committee shall appoint an Assistant Executive Director to perform such duties as the President may designate and/or to assist the PCAHA Executive Director.
(b) The Assistant Executive Director shall perform the duties of "PCAHA Risk Manager". He or she shall: (a) become knowledgeable in the CHA and BCAHA Risk Management Programs, (b) promote effective risk management within the Society; (c) promote awareness of risk management issues among member Associations/Leagues, and (d) coordinate and organize risk management awareness seminars, as required.

By-Law 42.
(1) The Executive Committee may, at any time and from time to time, appoint a person as a director to fill a vacancy in an elected position.

(2) The person so appointed holds office only until the conclusion of the next following Annual General Meeting of the Society, but is eligible for re-election at the meeting.

(3) Where a holder of an appointed office resigns that office or otherwise ceases to hold office, the Executive Committee shall appoint a person to take the place of the holder of that office.

By-Law 43.
No act or proceeding is invalid only by reason of there being less than the prescribed number of Officers or members of the Executive Committee in office.

By-Law 44.
The members of the Society may, by special resolution, remove an Executive Committee member from office prior to the expiration of his or her term of office, and may also elect a successor to complete the term of office.

By-Law 45.
(1) No person shall be eligible for election as a holder of elected office within the Society unless he or she is a person in good standing with the Society.

(2) No person shall be eligible as a holder of elected office within the Society if he or she is carded as an official on a CHA or PCAHA team for the current season, or if he or she is an elected or appointed office holder of a member Minor Hockey Association.


By-Law 46.
(1) The directors may meet at times and places as they see fit, for the dispatch of business and may adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings and proceedings.

(2) The Officers shall supervise the financial affairs of the Society, supervise information flow within the Society, and otherwise serve as a steering committee for the business of the Society.

(3) The Executive Committee of the Society shall meet once a month to conduct the business of the Society. The business of the Society shall include the day-to-day operations and general management of the affairs of the Society.

(4) At all Officers' meetings, a quorum shall consist of three Officers, inclusive of the President.

(5) At all Executive Committee meetings, a quorum shall consist of at least ten (10) Executive Committee members, exclusive of the President.

(6) If, during a meeting of the Executive Committee, business arises which ought to be transacted by the Officers, such business may be transacted by the Officers in attendance at the meeting, providing a quorum for an Officers meeting is present.

By-Law 47.
The President shall preside as chairperson at meetings of the Officers and Executive Committee of the Society. In the President's absence the 1st Vice-President shall preside. In the absence of both, the 2nd Vice-President shall preside. In the absence of all three, the 3rd Vice-President shall preside. If none of these is present within thirty (30) minutes of the scheduled commencement of the meeting, those present shall select one of their number to be chairperson at that meeting.

By-Law 48.
(1) The President may, at any time, take a mail, telephone, or facsimile vote of the Executive Committee on any urgent matter. The results of the vote shall be reported at and noted in the minutes of the next regular Executive Committee meeting.

(2) The President may call a meeting of the Officers or Executive Committee provided seven days' notice is given either in writing or orally. The members of the Executive Committee may waive or reduce the period of notice for a particular meeting.

(3) Any five Executive Committee members may request a meeting at any time, and the PCAHA Executive Director, on the request of the Executive Committee members shall convene a meeting of the Executive Committee provided seven days' notice is given either orally, or in writing.

By-Law 49.
The standing committees of the PCAHA are as follows:
(a) the Appeals Committee.
(b) the Female Hockey Committee.
(c) the Finance Committee.
(d) the Fraser Valley East "C" league committee.
(e) the Fraser Valley North "C" league committee.
(f) the Fraser Valley West "C" league committee.
(g) the Lions Gate League "C" league committee.
(h) the Minor Hockey Presidents Caucus.
(i) the Nominating Committee.
(j) the Player Movement Committee.
(k) the Presidents League "C" league committee.
(l) the Rules Committee.
(m) the Scholarship Committee.
(n) the Special Events Committee
(o) others that may from time to time be created or appointed.

By-Law 50.
(1) The directors may delegate any, but not all, of their powers to committees consisting of directors, or consisting of directors and other appointed individuals, as they deem appropriate.

(2) Any committee so formed shall exercise the delegated powers, conforming to any rules that may from time to time be imposed on it by the directors, and shall report every act or thing done in exercise of those powers to the earliest meeting of the directors to be held next after it has been done.

By-Law 51.
(1) A chairperson of the committee may be appointed by the President.

(2) Where the President elects not to appoint a chairperson, the committee members shall elect a chairperson of its meetings. If the chairperson is not present within 30 minutes after the time appointed for the holding of a meeting, the members of the committee present shall choose one of their number to be chairperson of the meeting.

By-Law 52.
The members of a committee may meet and adjourn as they think proper.

By-Law 53.
(1) Questions arising at any meeting of the Officers, Executive Committee, or a committee shall be decided by a majority of votes.

(2) In case of an equality of votes the chairperson does not have a second or casting vote.

By-Law 54.
No resolution proposed at a meeting of the Officers, Executive Committee, or committee need be seconded and the chairperson of a meeting may move or propose a resolution.

By-Law 55.
A resolution, in writing, signed by all the directors and placed with the minutes of the directors is as valid and effective as if regularly passed at a meeting of directors.


By-Law 56. President:
(1) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Officers, Executive Committee, and general or annual meetings of the Society.

(2) The President is the chief executive officer of the Society and shall supervise the other Officers and members of the Executive Committee in the execution of their duties.

(3) The President shall have the power to delegate to any member of the Executive Committee any, but not all, of those duties assigned to the President.

(4) The President shall have the power to suspend, fine, and/or take other disciplinary action against any player, team official, off-ice official, or team, or any person associated with any team or Association, for ungentlemanly conduct on or off the ice; for unfair or unsportsmanlike conduct; for conduct which is injurious to hockey or brings discredit to the Society; for failure to comply with the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations of the Society; and/or for failure to comply with the Constitution, By-Laws, Regulations, and Rules of the CHA and the BCAHA.

By-Law 57. Vice Presidents and Past President:
(1) The 1st Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President during his or her absence.

(2) The 2nd Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President during the absence of the President and the 1st Vice-President.

(3) The 3rd Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President during the absence of the President, the 1st Vice-President, and the 2nd Vice-President.

(4) The Vice-Presidents and Immediate Past President shall carry out the duties assigned to them by the President.

By-Law 58. PCAHA Executive Director:
(1) The PCAHA Executive Director shall:
(a) oversee the general secretarial functions of the Society.
(b) oversee the operations of the PCAHA central office.
(c) ensure that minutes are taken at meetings of the Society, its Officers, and Executive Committee and ensure that such minutes are distributed as appropriate and that copies are retained on file.
(d) give notice of meetings of the Society and directors.
(e) receive all applications for membership from teams, Leagues, or Associations and present them to the Executive Committee for consideration.
(f) act as chief registrar in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Society, to include registration of all players and team officials.
(g) receive, in the name of the Society, all funds which shall then be deposited in a chartered bank of Canada or trust account.
(h) pay all accounts, owed by the Society, by cheque. (The PCAHA Executive Director shall have the power to sign cheques which must be cosigned by either the President or one other Officer. The alternate cosignatory shall be determined by the Executive Committee).
(i) present at the Annual General Meeting of the Society, a detailed statement of the finances as at April 15th each year and which has been duly audited by a recognized firm of chartered accountants or certified general accountants.
(j) relieve the Society's Officers of all routine details and to assist in other general duties as required.

(2) The PCAHA Executive Director is not entitled to a vote at any meetings of the Society.

By-Law 59.
The Referee Assigning Coordinator
(a) be responsible for organizing and coordinating referee assigning activities within the PCAHA;
(b) appoint, subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee, referee assigners for the required divisions and categories;
(c) liase with the BCAHA Referees Committee Members to ensure that suitably qualified and graded referees are assigned to the required divisions and categories;
(d) issue instructions and give and circulate rule interpretations so that the PCAHA rules and regulations may be uniformly interpreted and applied;
(e) meet as required with the Referee Assigners, BCAHA Referees Committee Members, BCAHA District Directors, and other Executive Committee members; and
(f) report to the Executive Committee on all matters related to referee assigning.

By-Law 60.
The Coaching Coordinator shall coordinate and organize coaching clinics between the BCAHA and Minor Hockey Associations, shall be responsible for coaching development programs and initiatives, and shall report directly to the Executive Committee and receive approval for planned activities referred to above.

By-Law 61. Managing Directors:
(1) (a) The thirteen (13) Managing Directors shall have responsibility for the administration of Minor Hockey, including all leagues or categories of Minor Hockey within the PCAHA.
(b) The President shall, following the Annual General Meeting, assign duties to the six (6) Managing Directors elected pursuant to By-Law 40.
(c) The six (6) Managing Directors appointed pursuant to By-Law 41(1) shall be assigned duties as Managing Directors in their prescribed "C" leagues.
(d) The Managing Director, Female Hockey, shall:
(i) chair the Female Hockey Committee;
(ii) be responsible for supervising Female Hockey activities within the PCAHA;
(iii) assist the PCAHA's member Female Hockey Minor Hockey Associations and League(s) in the promotion and development of Female Hockey;
(iv) perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President.

(2) The Managing Directors shall:
(a) appoint League Managers for each league or category of hockey under their jurisdiction, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
(b) maintain overall discipline within the leagues or categories under their jurisdiction and ensure that all By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the PCAHA (Society) are enforced.
(c) provide the Executive Committee and PCAHA (Society) members with regular updates on the leagues or categories under their jurisdiction, and bring forward for settlement any areas of concern that may arise.

By-Law 62.
The Executive Committee shall:
(a) review any application(s) for membership from Minor Hockey Associations, amateur hockey Leagues, and individual teams above Minor as presented by the PCAHA Executive Director, and only if it conforms to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society present such application(s) to the Annual General Meeting or an extraordinary general meeting of the Society for acceptance or rejection.
(b) act as an advisory committee to the President in conducting the affairs of the Society.
(c) fill vacancies that may occur on the Executive Committee.
(d) rule on matters under dispute.
(e) suspend or expel any team, member, team official, or player refusing to accept or obey a ruling of the Executive Committee.
(f) forthwith remove from office, by a two-thirds vote, any member of the Executive Committee who is either neglectful or remiss in the performance of his or her responsibilities or whose conduct impairs his or her usefulness as a member of the Executive.
(g) where warranted re-admit any team, member, team official, or player who is under suspension.
(h) suspend, expel, or fine, and/or take other disciplinary action, against any member, team, team official, off-ice official, or player, or any person associated with any team or Association, for unfair or unsportsmanlike conduct; for conduct which is injurious to hockey or brings discredit to the Society; for negligence in paying assessments; for failure to comply with the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations of the Society; for failure to comply with the Constitution, By-Laws, Regulations, and Rules of the CHA and the BCAHA; or for persistent infringement of the rules of the Society pertaining to the game of hockey.
(i) settle all questions not provided for in these By-Laws or the Rules and Regulations of the Society or disputes arising from league or playoff games.

By-Law 63. Other Members of the Executive Committee:
(1) The President of the Senior AAA/AA league (if any), the President of the Junior "A" league, the President of the Junior "B" league, and the representative of the Recreational league(s) (if any) shall advise the Society on matters pertaining to their classification of hockey.

(2) The three BCAHA District Directors for the Lower Mainland, the three BCAHA Referees Committee Members for the Lower Mainland, and the Canadian Hockey Safety Program Coordinator shall act in an advisory capacity in their respective areas of responsibility.


By-Law 64. Appeals Committee:
(1) (a) The Appeals Committee of the Society shall consist of a Chairperson to be appointed annually by the President following the Annual General Meeting, the Immediate Past President, and a number of other members appointed by the President.
(b) Such appointments shall be confirmed by the Executive Committee.
(c) No member of the Player Movement Committee shall be a member of the Appeals Committee.
(d) No member of the Executive Committee other than the Immediate Past-President shall be a member of the Appeals Committee.
(e) The Immediate Past President may be appointed Chairperson.

(2) (a) For each appeal to be considered by the Appeals Committee, the Chairperson shall designate an appeals panel consisting of the Chairperson, the Immediate Past President, and three other members of the Appeals Committee.
(b) If the Immediate Past President is appointed Chairperson, then a fourth member of the Appeals Committee shall be appointed to the appeals panel for each appeal.
(c) If through misadventure, sickness, or other reason, a designated member of the appeals panel is unable to attend an appeal hearing, the hearing shall proceed with the members present. However, if three or more members of the appeals panel are unable to attend, the appellant shall be given the option of rescheduling the hearing to a convenient future date and time.
(d) The decisions of the committee shall be by a majority vote of the appointed appeals panel.

By-Law 65.
(1) A member Association, League, or team, or a registered player or team official, who is dissatisfied with a ruling of the applicable PCAHA committee or Executive Committee member shall have the right to appeal the ruling to the Appeals Committee of the Society.

In addition, an on-ice official, an off-ice official, or a person associated with a member team or Association (as mentioned in By-Law 56(4) or By-Law 62(h)) who is the subject of a ruling of the applicable PCAHA committee or Executive Committee member or who can demonstrate that he or she is directly affected by such a ruling and who is dissatisfied with the ruling shall have the right to appeal the ruling to the Appeals Committee of the Society.

(2) (a) An appeal shall be in writing, providing a description of the matter(s) in question and stating reasons for the appeal.
(b) An appeal fee in the amount of $75.00 shall be payable, as follows:
(i) In the case of a team or an individual appellant, a cheque in the amount of $75.00 payable to the Society shall accompany the appeal or, if the appeal is filed by fax, shall be received at the PCAHA Office within 48 hours. The fee will be held pending the outcome of the appeal. Failure by a team or an individual appellant to pay the appeal fee prior to the commencement of the appeal hearing shall result in the appeal being deemed to have been withdrawn.
(ii) An Association or League appealing a matter shall be billed by the PCAHA Office if the appeal is unsuccessful or the Association or League fails to attend the scheduled hearing.

(3) An appeal under this By-Law shall either be delivered by hand, sent by facsimile machine, or sent by post and bear a postmark, to the PCAHA Executive Director. In either case, the appeal shall be personally delivered, bear a facsimile delivery date, or bear a postmark within 7 clear calendar days (including Sundays and public holidays) following the decision of the applicable PCAHA committee or Executive Committee member.

(4) Notwithstanding By-Law 65(3), an appeal of a Managing Director’s decision on a game protest of a playoff game shall be filed in writing with the PCAHA Executive Director within 48 hours of the decision of the Managing Director.

(5) All written material pertaining to an appeal shall be submitted to the PCAHA Executive Director at least 48 hours prior to the appeal hearing, except when the appeal hearing is scheduled to be heard less than 48 hours from the time of filing the appeal, in which case such written material shall be submitted at the time the appeal is filed. Additional written material pertaining to the appeal shall only be considered with the express permission of the Appeals Committee Chairperson.

(6) The Appeals Committee will only review a decision or hear an appeal under one of the following conditions:
(a) Evidence not used in the original decision/hearing can be presented which may have an affect on the decision, excluding team balancing decisions, for which new data or statistics made available after the balancing deadlines will not be permitted.
(b) An appeal may be filed on the grounds of irregularities in the proceedings of the original hearing that may have caused an unjust decision.
(c) An appeal may be filed on the grounds that the decision was too severe, excluding decisions made in accordance with the current season’s PCAHA By-Laws, Rules and Regulations.
(d) An appeal may be filed on the grounds that there is proof to establish that the decision was reached in an unjust manner.
If, following review of written submissions, the Appeals Committee finds that the appeal does not fall within these allowed grounds, it may dismiss the appeal without convening a hearing.

(7) The Appeals Committee shall deal with the appeal within 7 clear calendar days (including Sundays and public holidays) of its receipt, except with the specific consent of both the appellant(s) and the Appeals Committee Chairperson in writing.

(8) Notwithstanding By-Law 65(7), an appeal of a Managing Director’s decision on a game protest of a playoff game shall be dealt with by the Appeals Committee within 2 clear calendar days (including Sundays and public holidays) of its receipt, except with the specific consent of both the appellant(s) and the Appeals Committee Chairperson in writing.

(9) The Society shall retain the $75.00 if the appeal is dismissed and if the appeal is upheld, the monies shall be returned to the appellant.

(10) The Chairperson or his/her delegate shall communicate the decision of the Appeals Committee to the appellant by telephone within 48 hours, to be followed by written notification mailed or faxed within 7 clear calendar days (including Sundays and public holidays) of the appeal hearing.

(11) When an appeal is filed there is no stay of any suspension imposed which is the subject of the Appeal.

By-Law 66.
(1) (a) If the appellant under By-Law 65 is dissatisfied with the decision of the Appeals Committee, that appellant shall have the right to appeal the decision to the Executive Committee of the Society. In addition, a member Association, League, or team, or registered player or team official who can demonstrate a direct interest in the outcome of an appeal under By-Law 65, shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Appeals Committee to the Executive Committee of the Society.
(b) An Executive Committee member who participated in making the original decision under appeal or who sat on the appeals panel shall not participate in any discussions or decisions on the appeal by the Executive Committee, other than to give evidence about the matter under appeal.

(2) (a) An appeal shall be in writing, providing a description of the matter(s) in question and stating reasons for the appeal.
(b) An appeal fee in the amount of $150.00 shall be payable, as follows:
(i) In the case of a team or an individual appellant, a cheque in the amount of $150.00 payable to the Society shall accompany the appeal or, if the appeal is filed by fax, shall be received at the PCAHA Office within 48 hours. The fee will be held pending the outcome of the appeal. Failure by a team or an individual appellant to pay the appeal fee prior to the commencement of the appeal hearing shall result in the appeal being deemed to have been withdrawn.
(ii) An Association or League appealing a matter shall be billed by the PCAHA Office if the appeal is unsuccessful or if the Association or League fails to attend the scheduled hearing.

(3) An appeal under this By-Law shall either be delivered by hand, sent by facsimile machine, or sent by post and bear a postmark, to the PCAHA Executive Director. In either case, the appeal shall be personally delivered, bear a facsimile delivery date, or bear a postmark within 14 clear calendar days (including Sundays and public holidays) of the date the Appeals Committee heard the appeal.

(4) The Executive Committee shall deal with the appeal within ten clear calendar days (including Sundays and public holidays) of its receipt, except with the specific consent of both the appellant(s) and the PCAHA Executive Director on behalf of the Executive Committee in writing.

(5) The Society shall retain the $150.00 if the appeal is dismissed and if the appeal is upheld, the monies shall be returned to the appellant.

(6) The PCAHA Executive Director shall communicate the decision of the Executive Committee to the appellant by telephone within 48 hours, to be followed by written notification mailed or faxed within 7 clear calendar days (including Sundays and public holidays) of the date the Executive Committee heard the appeal.

(7) When an appeal is filed there is no stay of any suspension imposed which is the subject of the Appeal.

By-Law 67.
(1) Any decision of the Executive (including a decision on an appeal under By-Law 66) may only be appealed to the Annual General Meeting of the Society.

(2) (a) A member or person (as referred to in By-Law 65(1)) who is dissatisfied with a decision of the Officers or Executive Committee and who wishes to appeal to the Annual General Meeting shall file a written appeal, providing a description of the matter(s) in question and stating reasons for the appeal.
(b) An appeal fee in the amount of $200.00 shall be payable, as follows:
(i) In the case of a team or an individual appellant, a cheque in the amount of $200.00 payable to the Society shall accompany the appeal or, if the appeal is filed by fax, shall be received at the PCAHA Office within 48 hours. The fee will be held pending the outcome of the appeal. Failure by a team or an individual appellant to pay the appeal fee prior to the commencement of the appeal hearing shall result in the appeal being deemed to have been withdrawn.
(ii) An Association or League appealing a matter shall be billed by the PCAHA Office if the appeal is unsuccessful or if the Association or League fails to attend the scheduled hearing.
(c) The $200.00 shall be retained by the Society if the appeal is dismissed, and the monies will be returned to the appellant if the appeal is upheld.

(3) An appeal under this By-Law shall either be delivered by hand, sent by facsimile machine, or sent by post and bear a postmark, to the PCAHA Executive Director. In either case, the appeal shall be delivered, bear a facsimile delivery date, or bear a postmark postmark within 14 clear calendar days (including Sundays and public holidays) of the date the Executive Committee heard the appeal in question.

(4) Where it is deemed that an appeal to the Annual General Meeting of the Society would be untimely, an extraordinary general meeting to hear the appeal shall be held in conjunction with the next regularly scheduled Presidents Caucus meeting where at least 14 days written notice can be given as per By-Law 21.

(5) The PCAHA Executive Director shall communicate the decision of the membership to the appellant by telephone within 48 hours, to be followed by written notification mailed or faxed within 7 clear calendar days (including Sundays and public holidays) of the date of the general meeting.

(6) A decision of the majority of the membership at either an Annual General Meeting or general meeting of the Society shall be the final recourse available to the appellant within the Society.

(7) No member of the original Appeals Committee or an Executive Committee member who has already participated in any portion of this appeal shall participate in the decision on the appeal at the general meeting, other than the chairperson of each committee to give evidence only as to the original decision.

(8) When an appeal is filed there is no stay of any suspension imposed which is the subject of the Appeal.

(9) Any member who fails to exhaust the appeal procedures provided herein prior to resorting to external legal remedies shall be subject to suspension at the discretion of a majority of the Executive Committee of the Society.


By-Law 68.
A notice in writing may be given to a member either personally, forwarded by mail to a registered address, or transmitted by facsimile machine to a registered fax number.

By-Law 69.
A notice sent by mail shall be deemed to have been given on the second day following that on which the notice is posted, and in proving that notice has been given, it is sufficient to prove that the notice was properly addressed and put in a Canadian post office receptacle.

By-Law 70.
(1) Notice of a general meeting shall be given to every member shown on the register of members on the day the notice is given.

(2) Notices of meeting and other notices to minor hockey teams which are affiliated with a Minor Hockey Association (as referred to in By-Law 4(2)(d) and 4(2)(e)) shall be deemed to have been given when notice is given to the Minor Hockey Association with which the teams are affiliated.

By-Law 71.
No other person is entitled to receive a notice of a general meeting.


By-Law 72.
The finances of the Society shall be under the control of the Finance Committee, which shall consist of the Officers.

By-Law 73.
The annual operating budget as prepared by the Finance Committee shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting for approval.

By-Law 74.
(1) All invoices shall be paid within 90 days of the date on the invoice. Any invoice not paid within this time period shall incur interest charges at the rate of 2% per month.

(2) For any and all cheques payable to the PCAHA which are returned by the payee’s bank, there will be a service charge levied equal to any levy by the bank plus $5.00.

By-Law 75.
(1) The PCAHA Executive Director shall present a financial report to the Executive Committee's monthly meeting, for approval.

(2) Notwithstanding anything here and before contained, the PCAHA Executive Director shall not make any expenditure in excess of an amount set annually by the Officers.

By-Law 76.
(1) A current operating account shall be maintained in any Canadian chartered bank, credit union, or trust company as designated by the Officers. All current operating receipts received shall be deposited in this account from which normal operating expenses shall be paid by cheque

(2) The PCAHA Executive Director, with the approval of the Officers, shall maintain savings and trust accounts as may be required by the Society.

(3) The Officers shall ensure all conditions of deposit have been adhered to and shall approve all expenditures or withdrawals relating to savings and trust accounts.

(4) The PCAHA Executive Director, with the approval of the Officers, shall be empowered to invest any excess funds of the Society in securities designated by the Trustees Act.

(5) The Executive Committee shall, at the recommendation of the Finance Committee, have the power to borrow monies with or without security subject to the Securities Act, subject to the Society Act.

(6) Any expenditure proposed by the Officers in excess of $2,000.00 in excess of the annual budget approved by the members, or additional expenditures exceeding in the aggregate 10% of the total budget approved by the members, shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the membership in good standing, at a special or Annual General Meeting of the Society.

(7) The fiscal year of the Society shall commence on April 16th and end on the following April 15th.

(8) At least one week prior to an Annual General Meeting of the Society, members in good standing shall be provided with a statement of receipts and disbursements and a statement of any surplus for the period.

By-Law 77.
(1) The expenses of the Officers, Managing Directors, Referee Assigning Coordinator, Coaching Coordinator, and Assistant Executive Director when attending the BCAHA annual general meeting shall be paid by the Society on the following basis:
(a) Delegate registration fees as set by the host association.
(b) Hotel expenses based on 2 delegates sharing each hotel room.
(c) Total meal allowance: reasonable meal allowance to be determined by the Finance Committee.
(d) Travel allowance: reasonable travel expenses to be determined by the Finance Committee.

(2) If necessary in a given year, expenses of other members of the Executive Committee or other approved individuals when attending the BCAHA Annual General Meeting will be paid as described above, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

By-Law 78.
In the event of winding up or dissolution of the Society, funds and assets of the Society remaining after the satisfaction of its debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such organization(s) within the present PCAHA boundaries with the same or similar objects and purposes as the Society, as determined by the members of the Society at the time of winding up or dissolution.


By-Law 79.
At each Annual General Meeting, the Society shall appoint an auditor to hold office until he or she is re-elected or his or her successor is elected at the next Annual General Meeting.

By-Law 80.
An auditor may be removed by ordinary resolution.

By-Law 81.
An auditor shall be informed forthwith, in writing, of appointments or removals.

By-Law 82.
No director and no employee of the Society shall be auditors.

By-Law 83.
The auditor may attend general meetings.


By-Law 84.
(1) The corporate seal of the Society shall be a circular disc inscribed therein with the words, "Pacific Coast Amateur Hockey Association".

(2) The seal shall remain in the custody of the PCAHA Executive Director and shall not be affixed to any instrument or any description except by authority of a resolution of the Officers and in the presence of the President, PCAHA Executive Director, and any two additional Officers.


By-Law 85.
The Society may require any director to give such security as may from time to time be deemed sufficient by the Society for the faithful discharge of his or her duties.


By-Law 86.
The books of account, records, and minutes of the Society shall be retained and open for inspections by the members during such time as the Officers shall designate.


By-Law 87.
(1) Gold Puck Award (donated by De Fehr Furniture) - This award is made to a person or persons adjudged to have made an outstanding contribution to amateur hockey for a period of at least ten years in the district known as the Lower Mainland. Nominations may be submitted by anyone connected in any way with amateur hockey and should be in writing stating the qualifications of the nominee and signed by the nominator. All nominations are judged by a committee comprised from the PCAHA Executive appointed for the purpose. This committee sifts the nominations until there are ten or less. A final winner is then selected by the complete Executive Committee.

(2) Past Presidents Award - Upon each President of the Society completing his or her tenure of office, it will be the privilege of this Society to present him or her with a ring in recognition of his or her service to the PCAHA.

(3) Fred Page Memorial Trophy - "Minor Hockey Association of the Year Award" - This award is made annually to the Minor Hockey Association adjudged to have made an outstanding contribution to its community by providing a sound minor hockey program. All Associations are judged by a committee from the PCAHA Executive appointed for the purpose. This committee sifts the Associations until there are ten or less. A final winner is selected by Executive Committee.

(4) Bruce Allison Memorial Trophy - "Coach of the Year Award" - This award is made annually at the end of the regular league play to the coach "who best exemplifies the coaching ideal of teacher and leader in amateur hockey". Nominations may be submitted by anyone connected in any way with amateur hockey and should be in writing stating the qualifications of the nominee and signed by the nominator. All nominations are judged by a committee from the PCAHA Executive appointed for the purpose. This committee sifts the nominations until there are ten or less. A final winner is selected by the Executive.

(5) Meritorious Service Award - This award is given to a person or persons adjudged to have made an outstanding contribution to amateur hockey in the Lower Mainland for a period of at least five years. Nominations may be submitted by anyone connected with amateur hockey and shall be in writing stating the qualifications of the person nominated. All nominations shall be considered by the Executive Committee of the Society who shall select the winner(s). The award shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting or another suitable gathering of the PCAHA membership.

(6) Don Ackert Award - "Amateur Hockey Executive of the Year" - This award is made annually to the amateur hockey administrator who is adjudged to have made an outstanding contribution to the hockey program in his or her community and throughout the Lower Mainland during the previous year. Nominations shall be in writing stating the qualifications of the person nominated and may be submitted by anyone connected with amateur hockey. All nominations shall be considered by the Executive Committee of the Society which shall select the winner.

(7) Head Referee of the Year Award - The Head Referee of the Year Award shall be awarded annually to the Association Referee-in-Chief who makes an outstanding contribution to the development of officiating in conjunction with his or her Association. This award shall be made by the Executive Committee on the recommendation of the BCAHA Referees Committee Members.

(8) Coaching Development Award - The Coaching Development Award shall be presented annually to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to coaching development and coaching programs within the Lower Mainland district during the preceding season. This award shall be made by the Executive Committee on the recommendation of the PCAHA Coaching Coordinator.

(9) Earle Sinkie Trophy - "Juvenile Most Valuable Player" - This award is made annually to the player in the PCAHA Juvenile Division adjudged to have demonstrated the qualities of leadership, sportsmanship, and contribution to his/her team and Association. The recipient shall be chosen by the Executive Committee on the recommendation of the Juvenile Division Managing Director.

(10) PCAHA President’s Service Awards - The PCAHA President shall recognize annually those individuals who have made a significant contribution to the Society and/or to amateur hockey in the Lower Mainland during the preceding year. This award shall be in the form of a plaque, pin, badge, or appreciation certificate.

(11) Team Achievement Awards - The PCAHA Team Achievement Awards are awarded annually to recognize the team(s) in each division and category, Atom and above, adjudged to have best demonstrated the attributes of sportsmanlike behaviour, fair play both on and off the ice, and cooperation with league officials. Recipients shall be chosen by the Executive Committee based upon the recommendations of the respective Managing Directors.


By-Law 88.
The PCAHA history books as established by Herb House will be maintained by the Officers of the Society and presented at the Annual Meeting each year in memory of Herb House. (History books to be kept in the B.C. Sports Hall of Fame).


By-Law 89.
(1) The PCAHA shall maintain a Scholarship Reserve Fund for the purpose of awarding scholarships and bursaries to deserving young people within the PCAHA. PCAHA member Minor Hockey Associations will be assessed an annual player assessment of $0.25 per registered player toward the Scholarship Fund.

(2) The Scholarship Program shall be administered by the Scholarship Committee, which shall consist of a chairperson and four members appointed annually by the President. The Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for submitting the names of proposed scholarship winners to the Executive Committee for approval prior to the Annual Meeting each year.

(3) The number and value of scholarships will be determined annually by the Executive Committee.

(4) All scholarship winners must be currently PCAHA-registered players in the Midget or Juvenile divisions who are in Grade 11, Grade 12, or finished high school. Players in high school will have two years after graduation to utilize a scholarship; those players graduated from high school will have two years to utilize a scholarship. Scholarship funds must be used for tuition at a post-secondary educational institution. Should the scholarship amount be greater than one year's tuition, the remainder may be applied toward a second year's tuition. (Note: Upon receipt of a written request from a scholarship winner, the Executive Committee may extend the two-year limitation).


By-Law 90.
(1) The Rules Committee shall consist of a chairperson, who shall be the Immediate Past President or one of the Vice-Presidents, as appointed by the President following the Annual General Meeting, the Immediate Past President (if not appointed chairperson), the Managing Director, Female Hockey, and 4 other members appointed by the President following the Annual General Meeting, as follows: one BCAHA District Director, one BCAHA Referees Committee Member, one of the Managing Directors elected at large under By-Law 40, and one of the Managing Directors elected according to By-Law 41(1).

(2) It shall be the duty of the Rules Committee to:
(a) propose revisions or amendments to the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Society for consideration and action at the Annual General Meeting. The proposed revisions or amendments from the Rules Committee must be moved and seconded by a delegate representing a member Association or League in good standing. Thereafter, such revisions or amendments shall be voted upon by the delegates present;
(b) issue interpretations of the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Society at the request of the President or Chairperson of the Rules Committee, or upon receipt of a written request from a member Association or League; and
(c) facilitate the consistent application of the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Society.

(3) Any meeting required of this committee shall be at the pleasure of the chairperson. The committee shall have all proposed revisions and amendments to the rules and regulations prepared for presentation to the Executive Committee prior to circulation to all members in accordance with By-Law 93.


By-Law 91.
The Constitution and/or By-Laws of the Society shall not be altered or added to except by special resolution at the Annual General Meeting or a general meeting of the Society.

By-Law 92.
(1) Proposed amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws must be received by the PCAHA Executive Director no later than April 1st.

(2) A notice of not less than fourteen days prior to the date of the meeting shall be given, in writing, to all members in good standing specifying the intention to propose amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws of the Society.

(3) Notice of a proposed amendment to either the Constitution and/or By-Laws shall be duly entered in the minutes and a copy of the approved amendments sent to every member of the Society in good standing.

(4) The majority required to pass a special resolution at an annual or extraordinary general meeting shall be at least 75% of the votes cast by delegates representing members in good standing, Executive Committee members, and Life Members who are present and entitled to vote (as set out in By-Laws 30, 31, & 32).

(5) Any amendments or changes in the Constitution or By-Laws of this Society made at the Annual General Meeting or general meeting of this Society shall take effect on the date of acceptance by the Registrar of Companies as being in compliance with the Society Act.

(6) The unanimous vote of the meeting can waive notice of motion to amend the Constitution and By-Laws.


By-Law 93.
(1) All rules and regulations prepared by the Rules Committee, the Executive Committee, and members of the Society for governing Minor Hockey shall be approved by the members at the Annual General Meeting before they take effect. Proposed amendments to the rules and regulations must be received by the PCAHA Executive Director no later than April 1st. A notice of not less than fourteen days prior to the date of the meeting shall be given to all members in good standing specifying the intention to propose amendments to the rules and regulations. A copy of the proposed amendments shall be included with this notice.

(2) A majority vote of the delegates representing members in good standing, Executive Committee members, and Life Members, who are present and entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting (as set out in By-Laws 30, 31, and 32) shall be sufficient to pass any amendment.

(3) The unanimous vote of the meeting can waive notice of motion to amend the rules and regulations.

(4) Any amendments or changes to the rules and regulations of the Society made at the Annual Meeting shall take effect immediately.


By-Law 94.
(1) The President may from time to time, call into session the Minor Hockey Presidents Caucus, consisting of the president of each member Association and League or his or her delegate, to discuss matters of current concern or to facilitate the exchange of information. Member Associations and Leagues may have additional representatives in attendance in addition to their president if they so wish.

(2) The Presidents Caucus will meet no less four times during the playing season or more often as required.


By-Law 95.
(1) The Female Hockey Committee shall consist of the Managing Director, Female Hockey, who shall be chairperson, and representatives of the PCAHA’s Female Hockey member Associations and Leagues.

(2) The Female Hockey Committee shall:
(a) Promote the growth and development of Female Hockey within the PCAHA.
(b) Advise the Managing Director, Female Hockey in the conduct of his/her duties.
(c) Coordinate the operation of the Female Minor Hockey leagues.
(d) Propose changes to the By-laws, rules and regulations on matters related to Female Hockey.
(e) Make recommendations to the general membership and the Executive Committee on issues related to Female Hockey.

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